Monday, November 21, 2011

Little Things

I haven't done a post in a couple of weeks because there hasn't really been anything new or exciting or that important or interesting to write about. The biggest thing was probably that I took the SAT. I think I did pretty well, but I don't get my scores until the 22nd, so I'll see then. In school, I have had a few exams. I managed to get passing grades on all of them minus Philosophy (she didn't give me a grade on my exam because it was basically blank). Anyway, because I haven't blogged recently, I am writing this post today, and because I don't have any big things to write about, I am going to write about the little things - the things that are different from home and affect my everyday life but which I have adapted to very quickly and therefore don't think about much. So here you go:

Meal Times
As most people know, meal times here in Spain are quite different than the meal times in the US. On a normal school day, I have breakfast a little after 7:30, have a sandwich during recreo between 11:10 and 11:40, and have lunch at 2:30 after I get out of school. Then, I usually have a snack at 6:00, and then have dinner sometime between 9:30 and 10:30. The first week, the late meals took a little bit of getting used to, but I like the meal times here more than in the US, so I might have more trouble adapting when I return to Boulder than I did when I got here, but we'll see.

School hours
As I have mentioned before, the school hours here are shorter (8:30-2:30), which is another thing I like. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to going back to longer hours in the US.

I don't like the water here as much as in Boulder because it does not taste as good. Now, some of you may be saying that water is tasteless, but you are wrong. The tap water in Boulder is... I can't really describe it in words, but it just tastes better than the tap water here.

Another thing I don't like nearly as much here is the size of the beds. Beds here are much smaller than the ones at home. Almost all of the beds are single beds here, including mine. When you are used to sleeping on a double bed, which is almost a half meter wider than a single, it is difficult to adapt to the single beds.

The food is of course different. Unfortunately, they don't eat hamburgers much and they never eat Mexican food. Other than that, it is kind of hard for me to describe any differences because I only notice the things I am missing from Boulder. I mean, I of course occasionally have stereotypical Spanish food, like paella and gazpacho, but it is really hard for me to describe differences because I have gotten so used to the food here that I don't notice differences. I have to say though that I really miss Chipotle and Jamba Juice.

I know that the above list is short, but I can't think of any other things right now. I guess this is because they are little things, and as I said, I have quickly adapted to them and that makes it hard for me to notice. I guess I'll just add some more in later posts if I think of any.

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