Monday, October 17, 2011


Wow, it has already been two weeks since my last post. Honestly, it hasn't felt like that long. I guess, to be cliche, time flies when you're having fun.
Because I haven't done a post in a couple of weeks, I figured I would do one right now since I can't concentrate on my homework. I don't really have anything in particular to right about, so I'll just give you a short summary of my past week and an update about school.

Day: Monday, October 10. My birthday. Day 11 of school. Approx. day 32 of school in Boulder.
Memorable moment of the day: Well, it was my birthday, so that in itself makes it at least somewhat memorable. But this one was obviously different than previous ones. First off, I turned 17, although the only thing that I can think of that that allows me to do is watch R movies in the theaters without an accompanying adult. The second, and bigger, difference was that it was my first birthday away from home and away from my parents, which was a little weird but did not make as big of an impact on me as I had expected. Other than the fact that people were wishing me happy birthday, the day was really not that different than any other day.

Day: Tuesday, October 11. Day 12 of school. Approx. day 33 of school in Boulder.
Memorable moment of the day: Honestly, I'm trying to remember what I did on Tuesday, but I really can't remember anything. If I were to guess, I would say I had an average day at school, and then went and hung out with friends and got back home anywhere between 8:30 and 12:00. But I really can't remember.

Day: Wednesday, October 12. National holiday in Spain (for Columbus). Approx. day 34 of school in Boulder.
Memorable moment of the day: I would have to say the most memorable moment of Wednesday was that I went out to pizza with my friends (there is a 40% chance that this actually happened on Tuesday, but I'm not positive). Eating out with my friends isn't that uncommon (probably happens once, maybe twice a week), but this happened to be the first time that I had eaten pizza that wasn't pre-frozen or pre-made since I left Colorado. I have to say it was pretty tasty. Me and two other kids split a group size pizza (the diameter was written down as 49 cm if I remember correctly) which had cheese, ham, and a spiced pieces of some kind of meat on it. The pizza was thinner than the ones that I'm used to in Boulder and, as far as I could tell, it lacked a tomato-based sauce under the cheese, but it was quite good. Actually, after thinking about it some more, I am about 85% sure this actually happened on Tuesday, in which case the memorable moment of Wednesday was that I spotted a praying mantis about 4 or 5 inches long in the backyard.

Day: Thursday, October 13. Day 13 of school. Approx. day 35 of school in Boulder.
Memorable moment of the day: Philosophy class. I had multiple epiphanies in this class. It started with the teacher asking some philosophical question to the class. Some of the class disagreed with the teacher's opinion on the question, so they started arguing over the question. At this moment, my epiphanies occurred. The first was an a-ha moment that was somewhat along the lines of "Wow, I actually enjoy philosophy." The second was more of a holy-shit moment that went like this: "Holy shit, I can actually understand a fair bit of what they are saying." These two thoughts made this the most memorable moment of the day.

Day: Friday, October 14. Day 14 of school. Approx. day 36 of school in Boulder.
Memorable moment of the day: When I first started thinking of writing this post this past weekend I had something to write about right here, but at the moment it has slipped my mind, so I'll take a break now and continue a bit later when I remember what it is...... It has been about 35 minutes, and it is still not coming to me. I guess it really wasn't that memorable, so I will go ahead and continue with the remainder of the posting:

Class Power Rankings (favorite to least-favorite):
1. English: This is my favorite class at the moment for a couple of reasons. First, it is the class that I am learning the most everyday Spanish in because much of the subject matter is words that you actually use in the average day, opposed to the other classes where the vocab is subject specific. The other reason is that some days it comes as a nice break from the constant Spanish as it allows my brain to relax a little.
2. Physics and Chemistry: We are currently on the chemistry part of the class, and I've always enjoyed chemistry as a subject. Also, I like the teacher, so that is a plus.
3. Math: It kind of drops off a little from the top 2 to the next few. I have to put Math at the top of the rest though because it is a subject that I have always enjoyed.
4. Philosophy: I don't really enjoy learning about the stuff in the textbook a whole lot, but it is an interesting class when we talk about subjects and questions which people aren't in agreement about.
5. Technical Drawing: The awe factor is starting to wear off, so this class sits in the middle of the pack. It has flashes where it is fun, but it is also a lot of work and can be extremely frustrating at times.
6. Sciences for the Contemporary World: This class has yet to make much of an impression, and so it is in this spot until further notice.
7. PE: It is PE. It is not extremely fun, but it isn't bad either, so it is here.
8. Industrial Technology: It is not a very fun class, and for now it is not very interesting to me, so it sits near the bottom.
9. Language: I never liked Language Arts in English, and Spanish is no different. It has just never been a subject that interests me, so it is last for now.

As I said earlier, there were no big events to update y'all on, but there is a brief look of how things are currently going. Till next time.

EDIT: It has now been roughly five hours since I couldn't remember what happened Friday, but good news - I have finally remembered. The memorable moment of Friday was that I had my first real argument with my host father. But my host brother was on my side, which was good. The thing that makes this event memorable in a good light though is the fact that the argument was over something simple and stupid - the length of the cycle of the moon. While Dani and I argued that a New Moon occurred roughly 28 days, Lorenzo claimed that it happened every 7 days. It's good to know that I have nothing real to argue about with my family. It's also good to know that my Spanish has come far enough that I'm able to have a argument. Anyway, just thought I would update this since I finally remembered.

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