Sunday, October 23, 2011

AFS Madrid Orientación Otoño, Part 2

Well, I am done with dinner and, since I have nothing better to do, I am going to keep writing about this past weekend and the orientation. I will try to be more positive this post, but I prefer to just kind of write down what comes into my head at the moment I'm writing, so I am really not seeing my writing style changing that much, even though I am in a good mood. Just a side thought, but I feel like my postings would be somewhat hard to follow if you are not a native English speaker, but I don't know. I guess I'll have to ask one of my friends and see what they think. Anyway, time to continue.

12:45. Got back into our groups from before. This time we traced someone's body onto a huge sheet of paper. We then spent the next few years... wow, glad I just reread the sentence. I'm a little distracted right now, which probably led to the mistake right there. I'm currently trying to listen to music well I right now - and there it is again. OK, I am trying to listen to music, but I have push notifications on on my ipod, and every 5 seconds my music goes quite so that my ipod can inform me I got another friend request or was tagged in another photo. It is much more disruptive and distracting than it sounds. Anyway, to continue... We then had to right down different hopes that we had for the coming year. Sorry, write not right. On the head we had to write what we hoped to learn. On the chest and heart area we had to write down relationships we hoped to have and achieve and build and whatever other verb you would like to use here. On the arms and legs we had to write things that we hoped to see. Our groups person consisted of numerous comments about learning the language on the head, building a relationship with family, friends, and other AFSers on the heart, and seeing Santiago Bernabeu stadium on the arms and legs. We then, or for our group, I then had to cut out the body and we taped it to the wall. And then we decorated it a bit and took pictures of it. And then we left for lunch.
2:00. Lunch was... actually I can't remember. Actually now I do remember. The highlight of lunch was Spanish tortilla (I am calling it the highlight because it is the only thing I remember). It wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't bad either.
2:45. We all are finished with lunch and now have siesta time until 4:00. I don't know if other people napped, but a group of his sat in this small area with a bunch of plants inside and spent the whole time talking and cracking jokes. I know I've said that I enjoyed the orientation, and have also said that we've had free time, but I've haven't gone into any details regarding either of these.

So I will do that tomorrow. You know, I was going to say today, but then I realized that I was starting to have to force myself to write about this, and when that happens my writing becomes incredibly shallow and bland, so I'm going to wait until I am more into it tomorrow. My brain is kind of dead right now, so that means it is time to go to bed. Till next time.

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