Sunday, January 29, 2012


Well, it has been nearly a month since my last post, and I am sorry. I have been thinking about posting for the past 2.5 weeks, but every time I think about it I say to myself "you know, I don't feel like writing today; I guess I'll just do it tomorrow." Well, I still don't feel like writing, so instead of writing about my ski trip, I'll just post some pictures and write about it in a later post when I feel like writing again.

View out the window of the apartment we stayed in.
 Looking down from the lift on the way to my first run of the season.

 My cousin, Augusto

The view from the top of the chair that we started each day on. This is looking from the far edge of the Vars side out towards the rest of the Vars area. Over the other side of the mountain featured in the picture is a bowl area and another mountain. On the other side of the second mountain is the Risoul part of the ski resort.

 My cousin on one of the tow lifts at the resort. Surface lifts are much more common here in Europe than they are in the USA

 Dani jumping
Augusto stopping after a jump

 A picture taken from behind my goggle lens. I got a bit bored on one of the chairs.

Well, if I ever regain the willingness to write, I'll post again about whatever is new, so, until then.

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