Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Home

Finally learned about where I will be staying and who I will be staying with. First off, where: I will be staying in a town called Soto del Real. It is about 43 kilometers (26.7 miles) north and slightly west of Madrid. It has a population of approximately 8300 people. The people there speak castillian spanish, which my mom is happy about (she didn't want me to be put somewhere where euskera or catalan is spoken). From what I know about it so far, it seems somewhat similar climate-wise to Boulder. It is near a range of mountains, has warmer summers and colder and snowy winters. I will be staying with a family that lives kind of in the middle of the town. There house is about 200 meters from the school I will be attending, so transportation to school should be pretty simple. The family consists of two parents, as well as a daughter, who is two years older than me, and a son, who is the same age as me. I'm excited and relieved to have a host brother the same age as me, because I feel that it will make getting to know classmates a tad bit easier. Anyway, I'm glad that I finally found out where I am placed and I can't wait until September, when I leave.

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