Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Post

My name is Nico Ericksen-Deriso, and I am a tenth grader at Boulder High. I have applied to study for a year in Spain next year through AFS Intercutural Programs. I have taken five years of Spanish in school, but I am not very good at speaking it yet. I am hoping to become more fluent in Spanish next year as well as have the experience of living and being immersed in a different culture. Over the next year or so, I am planning on blogging about my experience living in a different country. I am working over the summer to make money to help pay my tuition, but I could use a little help. I would be very thankful if you would be willing to contribute and sponsor my studies. To sponsor my AFS program, all you have to do is click on the "Chip-In" button and it will allow you to make a non tax-deductible donation. Every little bit matters so please help. Also, if you know anybody who would be at all interested in sponsoring me, please email them the link to my blog ( ). Thank You for your help.

 - Nico

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