Monday, August 6, 2012

Final Post - Part 1

First off, I should probably apologize. I should have done this post sooner, or at least done one in between my previous one and this one. So, I am sorry that I didn't.
Anyway, now that the apology is out of the way, I can actually start writing.    Or maybe I should explain myself first.   Yeah, that probably would be a good idea.
So, I didn't do this post for two simple reasons. First, I wasn't ready. Second, I didn't want to.   I should probably explain those with a bit more detail: You see, I wasn't ready to do this post, and I really still am not. Nor do I really want to do this post. You see, I have this dumb sense that if I keep this last post inside me, I am keeping a part of Spain inside me. And I don't want to let any of Spain go. But this morning, when I returned to my old high school for the first time since returning to do registration, I realized that no matter how much I wanted to hold on to Spain, I had to move on. You see, I try to live my life by living in the moment, not by holding on to the past. And life is much more enjoyable that way. But, in the two weeks I've had since coming back, I have been trying to cling to the past. And walking in the doors of my high school and seeing all these people that I used to know, I realized that I wasn't truly happy. All I wanted to do was go running home to Spain. But that is not a possibility, and that is why I have to move on and look forward. I mean, I'm going into my fucking senior year of high school. I should be fucking excited, not bummed out. And so I realized it was time to do this post and release what I have tried to trap of Spain inside me. So, that being said, here I am. I guess I will go ahead and update y'all on what's been happening over the last month of my life, so without further delay, the long, sometimes boring summary of what has been happening in my life:

I guess the last time I posted was the week before I left Soto, so I will start there. That week consisted of a pair of big parties I went to, saying a few more goodbyes, and getting on a 1:30 am bus heading to Santander. Oh, and a bit of packing. Or really, a fair amount of packing. But nothing much to go into detail about, except for maybe the bus. You see, I got on that bus for a very specific reason: to go to Santander. Wow, sorry for that last sentence. I got a bit of writer's block there, combined with a small brain-freeze caused by the Jamba Juice I am drinking. Anyway, I got... Actually, I just have to say this before getting back to the main part: one of the best parts of being back has been being able to have foods and drinks I missed (such as Chipotle, Jamba Juice, and hot wings) while in Spain. Anyway, getting on that bus to Santander marked the start of my three-week-long backpacking trip that I had been planning for the past 4 or 5 months. And so that was quite exciting. So that morning, Friday the 22nd I think it was, we got into Santander. And started walking. Now, that first day we had planned to take it easy and only walk 20 or 25 km, but, you see, one of the two friends that were coming with me had just gotten back from Mallorca the day before. Why is that a problem you may ask. Well, because he is an idiot. You see, he barely had time to pack before having to catch the bus, and so, logically, he forgot something. Unfortunately, that thing was one of the key items for our trip: the camping gas. So we couldn't eat dinner without it. So that first day we walked 40 km and hitch-hiked another 5 in search of camping gas. And finally we found it, which was good, but it was late when we found it, which was not so good. Because we still had to go out in search of a place to camp. Anyway, to make a long story short, we finally found a place to camp in a forest up on a hill. We then made ourselves a dinner of rice and tomato, which along with pasta with tomato was one of the staple foods of our trip, with the newly bought camping gas, and then finally went to bed extremely tired. And I am running out of gas, which usually means that my writing becomes shittier than usual, so I guess I'm going to give it a break for now. Anyway, I have an orthodontist appointment now, which I am quite mad about. You see, I should have my braces off by now, but when the orthodontist adjusted my braces in order to pull down my broken tooth before I left, he tightened it in a way that made it go from straight to crooked. So now he has to adjust it so that it straightens out again. Which means I probably get to have braces for a month or two more. So, simply put, I am pissed. Anyway, I will try and finish, or at least continue this later today, and if that doesn't happen then it definitely will be done by the end of the week. So, till next time.